Are Aliens Just Us From the Future?

Published on 18 February 2025 at 18:25

Sitting outside after watching Star Wars, I found myself staring at the night sky, wondering, are aliens really visiting us from distant planets, or could they be something far more familiar? What if the mysterious "visitors" people claim to see aren’t extraterrestrial at all but rather future humans, coming back in time for a very specific reason?

Let’s follow this thought for a moment.....

We already know that modern civilization is poisoning itself, forever chemicals, pollution, microplastics, and a slow but steady environmental collapse. Fertility rates are dropping, and scientists warn of an impending crisis where human reproduction may become increasingly difficult. Now, imagine a future where this has fully played out. What if the human race, or at least a select portion of it, faces total sterility?

The rich and powerful of the future, those with access to technology beyond our comprehension, wouldn’t just accept extinction. No, they’d find a way to fix it.....and......... what’s the best way to fix a genetic crisis? ...Go.... back... in... time.... and collect viable sperm and eggs before the damage was irreversible.

Think about it...... countless UFO abduction stories mention experiments involving reproductive material, samples taken, pregnancies that mysteriously vanish, strange hybrid-like beings reported. Maybe these "aliens" aren’t foreign at all. Maybe they are us, coming back to the past to harvest the last pure human genetics before pollution rendered natural reproduction impossible.

Then, of course, there’s the cows...

Why do these supposed visitors mutilate cows? What if, just like us, future humans still enjoy beef, but in their time, livestock has become too toxic to consume? Maybe they return to the past to collect clean, untainted beef for their ultra-rich elites, because, let’s be honest, the rich always seem to find a way to maintain their advantages.

It’s a bizarre thought, but not entirely impossible. What if we are the experiment? What if the reason they never make direct contact is because they can’t, because revealing the truth about their origins would alter the timeline in ways that could destroy their mission?

Maybe we aren’t looking at space for our answers. Maybe we should be looking at time.

Either way, if a group of futuristic scientists comes knocking, I hope they at least bring some better sci-fi movies than what Hollywood has been giving us lately.
(I hope you know this isn't real...)


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